Clean . . . From the Inside Out

Set aside three special times of the year for a week of cleansing.

Begin with a three-day fast and then eat only a wide variety of fresh fruits and vegetables for a few days after that (Daniel 1:12-15). If you have a problem eating fruit, stick with vegetables until your body balances itself.

When you go on a cleansing diet you may find that you have a headache, chills, or diarrhea, or what seems like hay fever or a slight cold. Don’t be alarmed; it is just poison coming out of your system.

Drink plenty of water and pure herb teas to help flush out the body.

You may find that your whole mental attitude and outlook will change when you are free from poisons in your system.

Be sure you hear from God before entering into a fast of this length. You may also want to consult with your doctor before beginning a week of cleansing.


  Just how Scriptural is fasting? Why not discover for yourself.   

Listed below are references to fasting, either full or partial. As you consider whether or not fasting is for you. a daily search through the Bible on the topic might well help you make up your mind and, and will certainly encourage you as it relates to the faithfulness of God:

The Old Testament
Gen. 24:33 Abraham's servant seeking a bride for Isaac
Exod. 34:28 Moses' first period of forty days on Sinai
Lev. 16:29-31 On the day of Atonement
Lev. 23:14 Until the sheaf of the wave offering was offered
Lev. 23:27,32 On the day of Atonement
Num. 6:3,4 The law of the Nazarite
Num. 29:7 On the day of Atonement
Deut. 9:9,18 Moses' two periods of forty days on Sinai
Judges 20:26 By Israel after their defeat by Benjamin
I Sam. 1:7,8 Hannah's prayer for a child
I Sam. 7:6 At Mizpah under Samuel
I Sam. 20:24 Jonathan grieved at Saul's hatred of David
I Sam. 28:20 Saul before his death in battle
I Sam. 30:11,12 Egyptian servant David found in the field
I Sam. 31:13 By those that buried Saul and his sons
II Sam. 1:12 By David and his men at news of Saul's death
II Sam. 3:35 By David at Abner's death
II Sam. 11:11 Uriah's self-discipline in time of battle
II Sam. 12:16-23 By David for the child of Bathsheba
I Kings 13:8-24 By prophet who cried against altar at Bethel
I Kings 17:6, 14-16 Elijah's restricted diet at Cherith and Zarephath
I Kings 19:8 By Elijah on his journey to Horeb
I Kings 21:4,5 By Ahab after Naboth's refusal
I Kings 21:9,12 When Naboth was set on high at Jezebel's instigation
I Kings 21:27 By Ahab in self-humiliation
I Chron.10:12 By those who buried Saul and his sons
II Chron.20:3 Proclaimed by Jehosaphat before battle
Ezra 8:21-23 Proclaimed by Ezra at the river Ahava
Ezra 9:5 Ezra mourning for the faithlessness of exiles
Ezra 10:6 Ezra mourning for the faithlessness of the exiles
Neh. 1:4 By Nehemiah for the restoration of Jerusalem
Neh. 9:1 By people of Jerusalem, confessing their sins
Est. 4:3 By the Jews following Haman's decree
Est. 4:16 Called by Esther before audience with the king
Est. 9:31 In connection with the feast of Purim
Job 33:19,20 As a result of pain or sickness
Psa. 35:13 David on behalf of others who were sick
Psa. 69:10 The cause of David being reproached
Psa. 102:4 The Psalmist forgets food in his affliction
Psa. 107:17, 18 As a result of sickness
Psa. 109:24 The cause of David's physical weakness
Isa. 58 The kind of fasting which pleases God
Jer. 14:12 That which is unacceptable to God
Jer. 36:6,9 Baruch reading Jeremiah's scroll on a fast day
Dan. 1:12-16 Daniel and his companions refuse the king's food
Dan. 6:18 Darius when Daniel was in the lion's den
Dan. 9:3 Daniel praying for Jerusalem
Dan. 10:2,3 Daniel's three weeks' partial fast
Joel 1:14 In view of the day of the Lord
Joel 2:12 When returning to God with all the heart
Joel 2:15 Proclaimed by blowing a trumpet in Zion
Jonah 3:5-9 Proclaimed by the people and king of Nineveh
Zech. 7:3-5 With mourning in the fifth and seventh months
Zech. 8:19 Kept in the fourth, fifth, seventh and tenth months
The New Testament
Matt. 4:2 By our Lord for forty days
Matt. 6:16-18 Not to be practiced as the hypocrites do
Matt. 9:14-15 By John's disciples and the Pharisees
Matt. 9:15 By the guests when the bridegroom has departed
Matt. 11:18 The abstemious character of John the Baptist
Matt. 17:21 This kind can only come forth by it
Mark 2:18 By John's disciples and the Pharisees
Mark 2:19-20 By the guests when the bridegroom has departed
Mark 8:3 State of the four thousand when our Lord fed them
Mark 9:29 This kind can only come forth by it
Luke 2:37 By Anna worshipping in the temple
Luke 4:2 By our Lord for forty days
Luke 5:33 By John's disciples and the Pharisees
Luke 5:34,35 By the guests when the bridegroom has departed
Luke 7:33 The abstemious character of John the Baptist
Luke 18:12 By the boastful Pharisee, twice a week
Acts 9:9 Saul of Tarsus after his encounter with Christ
Acts 10:30 By Cornelius when an angel appeared to him
Acts 13:2-3 By prophets and teachers in Antioch
Acts 14:23 At the appointment of elders in the churches
Acts 23:12-21 By Jews under an oath to kill Paul
Acts 27:9 Allusion to the annual day of Atonement
Acts 27:21,33 By those with Paul before the shipwreck
I Cor. 7:5 In the marriage relationship