One of the first keys to the kingdom is that of prayer. Prayer is the primary means we have to communicate with God. What is prayer? In the Greek the word means "to ask, to desire or request." We must remember that when we come to God asking Him for something, our petition must agree with His Word and be in His will, or He will not hear it. I John 5:14-15 states, "And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us: And if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him." The Lord only answers our prayers in accordance with His character. They must always be presented in the same spirit of dependence and submission that marked Jesus' relationship to the Father.

We can never demand of God. So many today are using God's Word and demanding Him to keep His own word. How far we have strayed to demand God to answer! We are to approach Him in love and humility, not as a spoiled child commanding our Father to keep His word. If we are not led astray in this approach to God, the devil tries an opposite method to hinder us. He tells us we are unworthy and that we should not bother God with our problems nor ask foolish things of Him. Both of these extremes are unscriptural. James 4:2 says, " have not, because ye ask not." The Lord wants us to ask. He is always ready and willing to supply us with the answers.

He cannot give us the answer right away if it would not be good for us. Maybe it would actually turn us away from Him. James 4:3 continues, "Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts." Numerous people are claiming cars, money, businesses, houses and other material things. Yet, in God's mercy, He is not answering these prayers at the time, for He knows that to give them their request would mean that they would become so involved with the things of this world that they would soon have no time for Him. They would only consume what they receive upon their own lusts, and it would eventually destroy them. Maturity must precede some of God's gifts.

Some people continue to demand even when God says "no" for the present. If they persist to seek the things of this world, eventually the god of this world (Satan) will supply them with the object of their desires, for he does not mind giving an inch to obtain a mile. God steps back while Satan gives them his goods, but soon leanness comes to their souls. "They soon forgat his works; they waited not for his counsel: But lusted exceedingly in the wilderness, and tempted God in the desert. And he gave them their request; but sent leanness into their soul" (Psalm 106:13-15). The joy and love for Jesus that they once knew will no longer be evident in their lives as these will have been choked out by the cares of this world. We are told to flee worldly lusts.

Now, the Lord does promise to care for us and provide for our needs, so if we follow Him we know that we shall never lack food, clothing or shelter. Out of the goodness of God's heart, He many times gives us lovely things that we do not deserve, simply as an expression of His love for us. These material things are bestowed upon us when we can handle them without getting our eyes off Him. Their value to us should have no meaning aside from their usefulness while we are on this earth. We should be able to gladly part from all of them at the Master's call. He then can allow us to enjoy these material things for they will hold no sway whatsoever over us. If we are not at this place, then we really have not made a total commitment to God.