"If you have open CHRIST door, HIS heart, and have stepped in than pray this prayer of deliverance."

  I come to you in humble obedience, bringing to you all my sins, burdens, and addictions. I accept you as true, wash me in your precious blood that you shed on the cross. Break the chains of sin that satan leads me into. I surrender to you and I want to be yours: heart, mind and body. I am putting my faith in you along, JESUS CHRIST. I confess you are the only begotten son of GOD, I ask that my sins be forgiven me and that I can walk in the newness of you my GOD. Help me to let old things pass away, so that I can be a new creation in you LORD JESUS. I believe the gospel and I receive it in your mighty name CHRIST JESUS. Amen.

If you have said this prayer and believe in GOD and have place your faith in HIS SON congratulations--and welcome to his family. When we become HIS children by faith than we share in a heavenly inheritance! as your life progresses. GOD will continue to work in your heart bringing you to a greater understanding of HIS love. HIS love will help you to begin to live a life of righteousness and obedience to HIM.

If you are wondering, now that you have accepted CHRIST as your Savior? 'WHAT DO I DO NOW'? Well this is our recommendation for all new and old believers in JESUS CHRIST.

(1) Pray that GOD will lead you to a good bible believing church and share your decision to accept CHRIST, ask to be water baptized.
(2) Start a good prayer life, praying daily to GOD for HIS guidance, wisdom, and forgiveness. Confess your sins always to HIM so that you will not start denying that they have a hold on you. The bible tells us to rebuke the devil and he will flee, start everyday praying, praising, and giving thanks to GOD for all things.
(3) Start reading the HOLY BIBLE the only book inspired by THE HOLY SPIRIT, reading GOD'S word each day will help you to grow as a christian and it is the primary way GOD speaks to HIS people. GODS word is sharper than any two edged sword, so at times it may pierce your own heart, but when GOD'S word chastises HIS people, it will also lead to a healing for them. So open your heart to receive GOD'S word in its fullness. To learn about the SAVIOR, the best place for you to start is in the new testament. Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. But you will need a good understanding of the whole bible. Don't get discouraged, ask GOD for patience in studying HIS WORD.
(4) Meet with other christians and attend church as much as possible. This will encourage you and it will help strengthen you. But always remember you are the vessel the HOLY SPIRIT dwells in and you will carry him every where you go.
GOD loves all HIS children even the ones still lost, so we must pray to HIM asking HIM to help us be a part of HIS kingdom that is searching for that one that is lost. GOD has plans for all HIS people. He wants us all to be a light shining in the darkness for that one that has lost his or her way. We are to love all people, love does not mean that we accept wrong actions of people but the love of GOD we share reaches out to them showing them that there is a better way and a way that can help them to become strong and mighty in the NAME OF JESUS CHRIST.


Help us to seek first your kingdom, and your righteousness; for your word says, if we will do this than all things shall be added unto us, that we will have no need in worrying what tomorrow will bring. Thank you LORD for all things, give us peace and assurance of your presence as we reach out to you daily. May you bless us and may our walk be one that brings glory to your name.


If you would like to share your receiving CHRIST with us, email us HERE so we can rejoice with the angels in heaven.
May GOD go with you always